Hi again 👋
Happy Saturday to 375 motivated XR enthusiasts.
Creating an AR agency to create mindblowing augmented experience is a fascinating journey. There is no limit on your imagination on how you can elevate your client's brand awareness with WebAR services.
Your clients can come from different business domains. But in order to win the trust of really big companies as clients, you must touch base lots of compliance factors.
I have worked with more than a dozen of MNC corporates, several EU based govt. sectors, couple of parliaments and even with a EU based royal family services at some point as clients. Being an IT conultant, I used to present this top priority category before selling any services. Trust me, it worked all the time.
In today's newsletter, I'll describe this crucial factor to win bigger clients and sell your WebAR services to make bigger impacts.
Today's issue will take about 3 minutes to read.
What is the biggest concern for bigger brands
The bigger a brand becomes, the company spends more resource to secure its stability to safeguard its assets and valuation. Your dream customers are probably belong to this category of big brands.
Since we live in a digital world, such companies need to safeguard themeselves against cyber vunerabilities too (from Ransomware to several other malwares). That is why IT security is the biggest concern for bigger brands.
Now why I'm telling this?
The answer is very simple.
It's because when you are going to pitch WebAR services to your dream clients, you need to comply through their security filters.
If your offered services, no matter how amazing they are, not getting a good score, you cannot even think to win such clients.
What corporates look into a service while purchasing?
Since everything revolves around security, while procuring a new digital advertising and marketing service, these are the most common topic of interests:
1. Certificate security of WebAR URLs - common point for DDoS attack
- Can you confirm that WebAR campaign URLs are secure with SSL certificates (that small green lock sign on the browser). Are those certificates valid through out the campaign period? What if the AR campaign need to stay longer (ecommerce brands)?
2. Upto which extend personal data is stored within WebAR platforms
- This is another great topic of interest. Can you produce the details of personal data which is stored during the WebAR campaign running period (from the visitors)? How can you ensure the data is safe with you and no one can access them for any bad intentions?
3. GDPR compliance of the WebAR providers(especially for EU)
- How to ensure that during collecting user statistics for WebAR campaigns, you are not violating GDPR compliance which says you need certain data control protocol if one or more pieces of information can disclose the idenitity of a certain person.
Within EU, in case of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) violance, it can cause fine up to 10 million euros.
4. How AR campaigns enforce customer data security
- What are the data security strategies to safeguard your client's WebAR campaign data from other customers or some competitors?
5. How strong is the disaster recovery process
- Disaster can happen. A WebAR campaign can go down during peak hours or peak seaon due to many reasons. How resilient your disaster recovery process is to recover from the diaster and bringing up your client's AR campaign.
This is a crucial setup if you want to run AR campaign services for big clients.
How to enforce security for WebAR services
There are many ways to overcome the security aspect of your WebAR services. Most importantly, you need to know how to configure them when the clients ask for it. Most often, while running a business, these security aspects are way too technical for you.
Often, you rely on a SaaS platform to host your AR services and you don't have control over how to enforce security there. That is why it is important to choose an AR platform which is built on strong security that is scalable to sell AR services to reputed brands.
If you are looking for a way to pitch such dream customers and not sure how to approach, you can write to me directly.